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Standards and Guidelines: Databases

Status Note

Published: Content approved by group 2 - 18/09/2019

Essential - Databases   Required

  • Always use the Database feature at Add/Reorder for adding databases and collections from the A-Z eResources list.
  • Add only the most relevant databases to a database box.
  • Tip: to get more space between the database entries, add an empty Rich Text/HTML item between the database entries.
  • For eResources names always refer to the A-Z eResources list.
  • Description Display: You can display the database description or use the Hover over item title option but apply the description display consistently within one box. Do not use the Hover over "info" icon for the description display.

Sub-collections and Minor or Free Databases not Listed on the A-Z  Required

Sub-collections and minor or free databases are added as reusable links to the A-Z Reusable guide. Reusing these links helps to avoid duplicate assets, to maintain assets and makes it easier to collect and analyse statistics.

Please contact Group 4 A-Z eResources if you need reusable links to collections or minor databases not listed below. Currently available are:

Follow the instructions provided on the A-Z Reusable guide.

Databases - Custom subscription     Optional

  • Generic databases: consider using a Custom Description to indicate relevant content
  • The custom description will only overwrite the description on your LibGuide, not the original asset description. 
  • Please note if you choose a custom description, you need to make sure that the custom content will be updated when required.


Custom description example EBSCO eBooks

Custom description example PressReader

Databases - Examples

Database or Collection Boxes by Provider with Content Examples    Required

  • Add the database or collection at the top of the box
  • Add a brief description regarding the content examples e.g. Videos relevant to your subject:
  • You can remove the content type if the items are of one content only


Database or Collection Boxes by Provider: LinkedIn Learning Example

Relevant to your subject are:

Best Bets- Draft Content

February 2023

Katherine looking into limiting access to this feature until guidelines are established.

Best bets only works well when the best bets indeed are selected. Should there be a limit on the number of best bets selected?