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Standards and Guidelines: Deeplinking to eBooks

Please note that most of these instructions can also be applied to eBook chapters.

Instructions added for Very Short Introductions - 19/05/2022

Instructions added for Emerald - 27/05/2022

Deeplinking to Bloomsbury eBooks

You can deeplink to eBooks or eBook chapters.

Click on the Citation icon. A citation options window will open. 

Copy the DOI URL that displays and add the TAFEcat prefix:

Deeplink example:

Deeplinking to CCH eBooks

CCH eBooks

You can deeplink to eBooks, eBook chapters, and eBook pages.

Copy the link from the URL field at the eBook or page record.

Deeplink example:


Deeplinking to EBSCO eBooks

Deeplinking to Oxford Reference

Oxford Reference 

You can deeplink to dictionaries, entries, quotations and timelines.

To deeplink to an Oxford content, use the URL from the URL field at the publication record or page and add the TAFEcat prefix:

Deeplink example:


Gale eBooks

Use the same instructions via LRMS, you use for Gale databases.

Deeplinking Emerald Insight Publications

You can deeplink to publications, chapters and articles.

To deeplink to an Emerald publication, use the URL from the eBook record e.g.

Manually add the prefix:

Deeplink to publication:

Deeplink to chapter:

Deeplink to article:

Deeplinking Instructions Via the LRMS Website

Tip: you can also copy the URL provided at Access online: at the TAFEcat record of eBooks.

Infobase eBooks

Use the Record URL at the Embed/Link feature and add the TAFEcat prefix:


Screenshot of the Embed/Link feature displaying the record URL

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins eBooks

Deeplinking to O'Reilly eBooks

O'Reilly eBooks

To deep link to an O'Reilly eBook, use the URL from the URL field at the eBook record e.g.

Manually add the prefix:


Note: Links will not work in Word documents. Change document to PDF.

Deeplinking to ProQuest eBooks

Use the Share Link to Book at the eBook record in ProQuest eBook Central:

Deeplinking to Springer eBooks

To deeplink to a Springer eBook or chapter, use the URL from the URL field at the eBook record or at the chapter e.g.

Manually add the prefix:​

Deeplink to eBook:​

Deeplink to chapter:

Note: Links will not work in Word documents. Change the document to PDF.

Deeplinking to Very Short Introductions (VSI)

Very Short Introductions 

You can deeplink to publications, chapters or articles.

To deep link to VSI publications, use the URL from the URL field at the publication record or page and add the TAFEcat prefix:

Deeplink to publication:

Deeplink to chapter:


Cannot Find the Deeplinking Instructions You Are Looking For?

Please note that deeplinking instructions are not available for all eResources. If you cannot find the instructions you are looking for here, please check the list below provided by LRMS.