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Standards and Guidelines: Harvard Style - Readings Boxes

Status Note

Published: Content approved by Group 2 members - 25/10/2021

Harvard Style Readings - Essential

  • Readings will be organised by week in a box called Readings.
  • You can use a standard box if appropriate e.g. chapters from the same book are used every week. Or if you have few books that are used in chronological order.
  • For more comprehensive reading lists for each week, you may consider a tabbed box. Despite having the rule to have no more than 2 lines, to organise the weeks you may go over the limit.
  • For long lists per week, use headings to separate the readings by content type. Use headings only if you have 2 or more items per content type.
  • For reference examples and how to add them to the LibGuide refer to Harvard style - References.
  • Reuse/map assets if  possible. Search for book and link assets to see if there is a match that you can reuse and map (See Before you create a Harvard Reference Asset in LibGuides for detailed instructions).

This page provides reading box examples for Harvard style references.

