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Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and Care (Birth-5)
ECTPP201A Documentation, Planning and Assessment 1
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Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and Care (Birth-5): ECTPP201A Documentation, Planning and Assessment 1
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Year 1 Readings
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ECCDD102A Creativity in the Early Years
ECCDD103A Children's Self-Identity and Family Contexts
ECCWC101A Nutrition, Health, Safety and Wellness
ECPPL101A Professional Experience 1 (Birth-2 years)
ECPPL102A Professional Experience 2 (2-3 years)
ECPPL103A Professional Experience 1 (Birth-2 years)
ECPPL104A Professional Experience 3 (3-5 years)
ECSFC101A Professional, Cultural and Academic Practice
ECSFC102A Sustainability in Early Childhood
ECTPP101A Holistic Child Development
ECTPP102A Play and Documentation
Year 2 Readings
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ECCDD201A Mathematics Education
ECCDD204A Multi-Literacy Learning
ECCDD203A Science Technology Engineering and Mathematical Education
ECCDD202A Communication, Language and Literacy
ECCWC201A Exceptional Children: Early Intervention
ECCWC202A Inclusive Education: Early Intervention
ECPPL201A Professional Experience 3 (Birth-3 years)
ECIAS200A Introduction to Academic Study
ECPPL202A Professional Experience 4 (Preschool)
ECPPL203A Manage an Education and Care Service
ECPPL204A Professional Experience 3 (3-5 years)
ECSFC201A Diverse Australia: Equity and Diversity
ECTPP201A Documentation, Planning and Assessment 1
ECTPP202A Documentation, Planning and Assessment 2
ECTPP203A Brain Development and Cognitive Learning
Year 3 Readings
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ECCDD301A Visual and Media Arts
ECCDD302A Science, Technology and Engineering
ECCDD303A Music Movement and Drama
ECCWC301A Gifted Education
ECCWC302A Inclusive Practice and Principles in Early Childhood
ECPPL301A Professional Experience 5 (Community Engagement)
ECPPL302A Professional Experience 6 (3-5 Years)
ECSFC301A Working with Families and Community Partnerships
ECTPP301A Educational Psychology and Pedagogical Practice
ECTPP302A Reflective and Professional Practice
ECPPL304A Professional Experience 5 (0-3 years)
ECPPL303A Professional Experience 4 (Community Engagement)
Year 4 Readings
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ECCDD401A Multimodal Media and Digital Technology
ECCWC401A Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education
ECPPL401A Professional Experience 7 (ECEC Leadership)
ECPPL402A Professional Experience 8 (ECEC Leadership)
ECPPL403A Research in Early Childhood Education 1
ECPPL404A Research in Early Childhood Education 2
ECPPL405A Leadership and Management in Early Childhood
ECSFC401A Advocacy, Social Justice and Professional Ethics
ECTPP401A Developing Early Childhood Curriculum
ECTPP402A Philosophies, Ideologies and Theories of Education
Academic Skills
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Prescribed and Recommended Texts
Early learning theories made visible (2015) - eBook and book
Miriam Beloglovsky; Lisa Daly
Programming and planning in early childhood settings (2021) - eBook and book
Leonie Arthur; Bronwyn Beecher; Elizabeth Death; Sue Dockett; Sue Farmer
Theories into practice : understanding and rethinking our work with young children and the EYLF (2024) - eBook and book
Andrea Nolan; Bridie Raban
The book below is used in the weekly readings:
Child development and learning (2019) - eBook and book
Susanne Garvis; Sivanes Phillipson; Sharryn Clarke; Linda Harrison; Jane McCormack; Donna Pendergast
Planning for play, observation, and learning in preschool and kindergarten (2013) - eBook and book
Gaye Gronlund
Agbenyega, J. (2009). The Australian Early Development Index, who does it measure: Piaget or Vygotsky's child?
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 34
(2), 31-38.
Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority. (2014).
National Quality Standard: Quality Area 1 - Educational program and practice.
Australian Government Department of Education and Training, for the Council of Australian Governments. (2009).
Belonging, being & becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. (2016, April 18).
Inquiry learning in play spaces
[Video]. YouTube.
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. (2016, April 21).
Problem solving in block corner
[Video]. YouTube.
Biermeier, M. A. (2015). Inspired by Reggio Emilia: Emergent curriculum in relationship- driven learning environments. em>YC: Young Children, 70(5), 72-79.
Bonnay, S. (2017, May 25). Early childhood education: Then and now.
The Spoke: Early Childhood Australia's blog
Caspe, M., Seltzer, A., Kennedy, J. L., Cappio, M., & DeLorenzo, C. (2013). Engaging families in the child assessment process.
YC: Young Children, 68
(3), 8-14.
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. (2010).
Educators belonging, being and becoming: Educators' guide to the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia
Department of Education and Training. (2013).
The Early Years Learning Framework in action: Educators' stories and models for practice.
Dorrat, L. (2011). Westgarth Bush Kindergarten.
Every Child, 17
(4), 6-7.
ECA Learning Hub. (2013, April 17).
Connecting with practice series NQS PLP - Car factory
[Video]. YouTube.
ECA Learning Hub. (2013, June 6).
Connecting with practice series NQS PLP - Mint tea and a chat
[Video]. YouTube.
Elicker, J., & McMullen, M. B. (2013). Appropriate and meaningful assessment in family-centered programs.
YC: Young Children, 68
(3), 22-27.
Jones, E. (2012). The emergence of emergent curriculum.
YC: Young Children, 67
(2), 66-68.
Kennedy, A. (2012). What have theories got to do with it?
NQS PLP e-Newsletter
Leggett, N., & Newman, L. (2017). Play: Challenging educators’ beliefs about indoor and outdoor environment.
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 42
(1), 24-32.
Little, H. (2020).
Promoting children's learning and development through their environment and play.
NSW Government.
MacDonald, A. (2009). Drawing stories: The power of children's drawings to communicate the lived experience of starting school.
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 34
(2), 40-49.
Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority. (2014, October 15).
Planning with children in kindergarten: Small group example
[Video]. YouTube.
Seitz, H., & Bartholomew, C. (2008). Powerful portfolios for young children.
Early Childhood Education Journal, 36
(1), 63-68.
Southey, S. (2012). Documenting children's learning journeys: Finding the balance.
Educating Young Children: Learning and Teaching in the Early Childhood Years, 18
(3), 33-36.
Touhill, L. (2012). Assessment: Don't make it what it's not.
Every Child, 18
(2), 10-11.
ECSFC201A Diverse Australia: Equity and Diversity
ECTPP202A Documentation, Planning and Assessment 2 >>