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Higher Education Guides
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and Care (Birth-5)
ECCDD202A Communication, Language and Literacy
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Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and Care (Birth-5): ECCDD202A Communication, Language and Literacy
Web Resources
Year 1 Readings
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ECCDD102A Creativity in the Early Years
ECCDD103A Children's Self-Identity and Family Contexts
ECCWC101A Nutrition, Health, Safety and Wellness
ECPPL101A Professional Experience 1 (Birth-2 years)
ECPPL102A Professional Experience 2 (2-3 years)
ECPPL103A Professional Experience 1 (Birth-2 years)
ECPPL104A Professional Experience 3 (3-5 years)
ECSFC101A Professional, Cultural and Academic Practice
ECSFC102A Sustainability in Early Childhood
ECTPP101A Holistic Child Development
ECTPP102A Play and Documentation
Year 2 Readings
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ECCDD201A Mathematics Education
ECCDD204A Multi-Literacy Learning
ECCDD203A Science Technology Engineering and Mathematical Education
ECCDD202A Communication, Language and Literacy
ECCWC201A Exceptional Children: Early Intervention
ECCWC202A Inclusive Education: Early Intervention
ECPPL201A Professional Experience 3 (Birth-3 years)
ECIAS200A Introduction to Academic Study
ECPPL202A Professional Experience 4 (Preschool)
ECPPL203A Manage an Education and Care Service
ECPPL204A Professional Experience 3 (3-5 years)
ECSFC201A Diverse Australia: Equity and Diversity
ECTPP201A Documentation, Planning and Assessment 1
ECTPP202A Documentation, Planning and Assessment 2
ECTPP203A Brain Development and Cognitive Learning
Year 3 Readings
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ECCDD301A Visual and Media Arts
ECCDD302A Science, Technology and Engineering
ECCDD303A Music Movement and Drama
ECCWC301A Gifted Education
ECCWC302A Inclusive Practice and Principles in Early Childhood
ECPPL301A Professional Experience 5 (Community Engagement)
ECPPL302A Professional Experience 6 (3-5 Years)
ECSFC301A Working with Families and Community Partnerships
ECTPP301A Educational Psychology and Pedagogical Practice
ECTPP302A Reflective and Professional Practice
ECPPL304A Professional Experience 5 (0-3 years)
ECPPL303A Professional Experience 4 (Community Engagement)
Year 4 Readings
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ECCDD401A Multimodal Media and Digital Technology
ECCWC401A Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education
ECPPL401A Professional Experience 7 (ECEC Leadership)
ECPPL402A Professional Experience 8 (ECEC Leadership)
ECPPL403A Research in Early Childhood Education 1
ECPPL404A Research in Early Childhood Education 2
ECPPL405A Leadership and Management in Early Childhood
ECSFC401A Advocacy, Social Justice and Professional Ethics
ECTPP401A Developing Early Childhood Curriculum
ECTPP402A Philosophies, Ideologies and Theories of Education
Academic Skills
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Prescribed and Recommended Texts
Foundations of early literacy: a balanced approach to language, listening and literacy in the early years (2014) - eBook and book
Sue Palmer
Language, literacy and early childhood education (2023) - eBook and book
Janet Fellowes; Grace Oakley
Language and literacy development in early childhood (2016) - Book
Robyn Ewing; Jon Callow; Kathleen Rushton
The books below are used in the weekly readings:
Child development and learning (2019) - eBook and book
Susanne Garvis; Sivanes Phillipson; Sharryn Clarke; Linda Harrison; Jane McCormack; Donna Pendergast
Early childhood experiences in language arts (2023) - Book
Alison Zimbalist; Jeanne M. Machado
Aisling, M., & Egan, S. M. (2014). Does reading to infants benefit their cognitive development at 9-months-old? An investigation using a large birth cohort survey.
Child Language Teaching & Therapy, 30
(3), 303-315.
Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority. (2023).
Guide to the National Quality Framework
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (n.d.).
F-10 curriculum: English (version 8.4)
. The Australian Curriculum.
Australian Government Department of Education. (2022).
Belonging, being & becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia
(V2.0). Australian Government Department of Education for the Ministerial Council.
Block, M. K., & Duke, N. K. (2015). Letter names can cause confusion and other things to know about letter-sound relationships.
YC: Young Children, 70
(1), 84-91.
Campbell, S. (2015). Feeling the pressure: Early childhood educators' reported views about learning and teaching phonics in Australian prior-to-school settings.
Australian Journal Of Language & Literacy, 38
(1), 12-26.
Charlton, S. (2013). Screen time for children: The implications for health.
Every Child, 19
(4), 12.
Children's Book Council of Australia. (n.d.).
Home page
Connor, J. (2013). Noticing and recording learning.
NQS PLP e-Newsletter
, (55), 1-4.
Davis, B., Van Der Feest, S. & Yi, H. (2018). Speech sound characteristics of early words: Influence of phonological factors across vocabulary development.
Journal of Child Language, 45
(3), 673-702.
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. (2018).
Developmental milestones and the Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Standards.
ECA Learning Hub. (2011, August 24).
Linking literacy learning through outdoor play
[Video]. YouTube.
Epstein, A. S. (2015). Using technology appropriately in the preschool classroom.
Exchange, 37
(1), 1-12.
Flores-Koulish, S. A., & Smith-D'Arezzo, W. M. (2016). The three pigs: Can they blow us into critical media literacy old school style.
Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 30
(3), 349-360.
Flückiger, B., Diamond, P., & Jones, W. (2012). Yarning space: Leading literacy learning through family-school partnerships.
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 37
(3), 53-59.
Gervain, J., & Werker, J. F. (2013). Prosody cues word order in 7-month-old bilingual infants.
Nature Communications, 4
Guo, K., & Mackenzie, N. (2015). Signs and codes in early childhood: An investigation of young children's creative approaches to communication.
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 40
(2), 78-87.
Hay, I., & Fielding-Barnsley, R. (2012). Social learning, language and literacy.
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. 37
(1), 24-29.
Hedges, H. (2011). Rethinking Sponge Bob and Ninja Turtles: Popular culture as funds of knowledge for curriculum co-construction.
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 36
(1), 25-29.
Hill, S., Glover, A., & Colbung, M. (2011). My favourite book! Young Aboriginal children's book choices.
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 36
(1), 77- 84.
Honig, A. S. (2017). Language insights for caregivers with young children.
Early Child Development and Care, 187
(3-4), 527-541.
Hopkins, L., Green, J., & Brookes, F. (2013). Books, bytes and brains: The implications of new knowledge for children's early literacy learning.
Australasian Journal Of Early Childhood, 38
(1), 23-28.
Hornsby, D., & Wilson, L. (2014). Early literacy is more than phonics.
Practically Primary, 19
(3), 12-15.
Howard, V., & Wallace, M. (2016). Today's tech literacy tools.
Children & Libraries: The Journal Of The Association For Library Service To Children, 14
(1), 3-9.
Kim, S. J. (2016). Opening up spaces for early critical literacy: Korean kindergarteners exploring diversity through multicultural picture books.
Australian Journal Of Language & Literacy, 39
(2), 176-187.
Klieve, H., & Flückiger, B. (2015). Towards an evidence base: Exploring the impact of community-based literacy programs in remote Indigenous communities.
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 40
(2), 89-98.
Lennox, S. (2013). Interactive read-alouds: An avenue for enhancing children’s language for thinking and understanding: A review of recent research.
Early Childhood Education Journal, 41
(5), 381-389.
Let's read. (n.d.).
Home page
Lindstrand, S. H., & Willén, P. B. (2016). 'When you give them a pencil they often say they're writing': Preschool teachers' categorisation of written language work with toddlers.
Australasian Journal Of Early Childhood. 41
(1), 90-99.
Mackenzie, N., & Hemmings, B. (2014). Predictors of success with writing in the first year of school.
Issues In Educational Research, 24
(1), 41-54.
Mackenzie, N., & Veresov, N. (2013). How drawing can support writing acquisition: Text construction in early writing from a Vygotskian perspective.
Australasian Journal Of Early Childhood, 38
(4), 22-29.
Maher, M., & Bellen, L. (2015). Smoothing children's transition into formal schooling.
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 43
(1), 9-17. /10.1007/s10643-013-0630-5
McLean, K. (2013). Literacy and technology in the early years of education: Looking to the familiar to inform educator practice.
Australasian Journal Of Early Childhood, 38
(4), 30-41.
McTurk, N., Lea, T., Robinson, G., Nutton, G., & Carapetis, J. R. (2011). Defining and assessing the school readiness of Indigenous Australian children.
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 36
(1), 69-76.
National Association for the Education of Young Children., & The Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media. (2012).
Technology and interactive media as tools in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8
Newman, L., Arthur, L., Staples, K., & Woodrow, C. (2016). Recognition of family engagement in young children's literacy learning.
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 41
(1), 73-81.
NSW Department of Education. (2015).
New phonics resource to improve reading skills
[Media release].
NSW Government. (n.d.).
Bilingual children and families in early childhood services
Oddo, J. M., & Castleberry, L. (2013).
The importance of play in the development of language skills
Pelatti, C. Y., Piasta, S. B., Justice, L. M., & O’Connell, A. (2014). Language- and literacy-learning opportunities in early childhood classrooms: Children’s typical experiences and within-classroom variability. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 29(4),
Papandreou, M. (2014). Communicating and thinking through drawing activity in early childhood.
Journal Of Research In Childhood Education, 28
(1), 85-100.
Puranik, C. S., & Lonigan, C. J. (2014). Emergent writing in preschoolers: Preliminary evidence for a theoretical framework.
Reading Research Quarterly, 49
(4), 453-467.
Reading Rockets. (n.d.).
Reading topics A-Z.
Sim, S., & Berthelsen, D. (2014). Shared book reading by parents with young children: Evidence-based practice.
Australasian Journal Of Early Childhood, 39
(1), 50-55.
Speech Pathology Australia. (2017).
Communication milestones kit: 12 months - 5 years.
Topsfield, J. (2010, August 26). Teacher reaps reward of truce in ‘reading wars’.
The Sydney Morning Herald.
Vaish, V. (2014). Whole language versus code-based skills and interactional patterns in Singapore’s early literacy program.
Cambridge Journal Of Education, 44
(2), 199-215.
Vouloumanos, A., & Curtin, S. (2014). Foundational tuning: How infants' attention to speech predicts language development.
Cognitive Science, 38
(8), 1675-1686.
Watson, R., & Wildy, H. (2014). Pedagogical practice of early childhood teachers: Explicit enhancement of students' literacy.
Australasian Journal Of Early Childhood, 39
(2), 82-90.
Whorrall, J., & Cabell, S. Q. (2016). Supporting children’s oral language development in the preschool classroom.
Early Childhood Education Journal, 44
(4), 335-341.
ECCDD203A Science Technology Engineering and Mathematical Education
ECCWC201A Exceptional Children: Early Intervention >>