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Higher Education Guides
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and Care (Birth-5)
ECCDD201A Mathematics Education
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Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and Care (Birth-5): ECCDD201A Mathematics Education
Web Resources
Year 1 Readings
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ECCDD102A Creativity in the Early Years
ECCDD103A Children's Self-Identity and Family Contexts
ECCWC101A Nutrition, Health, Safety and Wellness
ECPPL101A Professional Experience 1 (Birth-2 years)
ECPPL102A Professional Experience 2 (2-3 years)
ECPPL103A Professional Experience 1 (Birth-2 years)
ECPPL104A Professional Experience 3 (3-5 years)
ECSFC101A Professional, Cultural and Academic Practice
ECSFC102A Sustainability in Early Childhood
ECTPP101A Holistic Child Development
ECTPP102A Play and Documentation
Year 2 Readings
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ECCDD201A Mathematics Education
ECCDD204A Multi-Literacy Learning
ECCDD203A Science Technology Engineering and Mathematical Education
ECCDD202A Communication, Language and Literacy
ECCWC201A Exceptional Children: Early Intervention
ECCWC202A Inclusive Education: Early Intervention
ECPPL201A Professional Experience 3 (Birth-3 years)
ECIAS200A Introduction to Academic Study
ECPPL202A Professional Experience 4 (Preschool)
ECPPL203A Manage an Education and Care Service
ECPPL204A Professional Experience 3 (3-5 years)
ECSFC201A Diverse Australia: Equity and Diversity
ECTPP201A Documentation, Planning and Assessment 1
ECTPP202A Documentation, Planning and Assessment 2
ECTPP203A Brain Development and Cognitive Learning
Year 3 Readings
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ECCDD301A Visual and Media Arts
ECCDD302A Science, Technology and Engineering
ECCDD303A Music Movement and Drama
ECCWC301A Gifted Education
ECCWC302A Inclusive Practice and Principles in Early Childhood
ECPPL301A Professional Experience 5 (Community Engagement)
ECPPL302A Professional Experience 6 (3-5 Years)
ECSFC301A Working with Families and Community Partnerships
ECTPP301A Educational Psychology and Pedagogical Practice
ECTPP302A Reflective and Professional Practice
ECPPL304A Professional Experience 5 (0-3 years)
ECPPL303A Professional Experience 4 (Community Engagement)
Year 4 Readings
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ECCDD401A Multimodal Media and Digital Technology
ECCWC401A Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education
ECPPL401A Professional Experience 7 (ECEC Leadership)
ECPPL402A Professional Experience 8 (ECEC Leadership)
ECPPL403A Research in Early Childhood Education 1
ECPPL404A Research in Early Childhood Education 2
ECPPL405A Leadership and Management in Early Childhood
ECSFC401A Advocacy, Social Justice and Professional Ethics
ECTPP401A Developing Early Childhood Curriculum
ECTPP402A Philosophies, Ideologies and Theories of Education
Academic Skills
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Prescribed Texts
Mathematics in early childhood education (2024) - eBook and book
Amy MacDonald
Maths is all around you : developing mathematical concepts in the early years (2023) - eBook and book
Marianne Knaus
Recommended Texts
Investigating mathematics, science and technology in early childhood (2015) - eBook and book
Amy MacDonald; John Rafferty
Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers
Australian Mathematical Society
Mathematical Association of NSW Inc
Maths Matters Resources
Australian Association of Mathematic Teachers and Early Childhood Australia. (2006).
Position paper on early childhood mathematics.
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (n.d.).
Numeracy learning continuum.
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (n.d.).
The Australian curriculum: F-10 curriculum: Mathematics: Foundation year.
Australian Government Department of Education. (2022).
Belonging, being & becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia
(V2.0). Australian Government Department of Education for the Ministerial Council.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2022, February 25).
Australia’s children: Literacy and numeracy.
Beneke, S. (2016).
Teaching preschoolers about measuring length
Björklund, C., & Pramling, N. (2014). Pattern discernment and pseudo-conceptual development in early childhood mathematics education.
International Journal of Early Years Education, 22
(1), 89-104.
Campbell, C., & Speldewinde, C. (2018). STEM in early childhood: Why does it matter?
Every Child, 24
(2), 14-15.
Christensen, M., McFadden, A., & Miller, M. (2018). STEM practice in early childhood settings.
Every Child, 24
(2), 28-29.
Cicconi, M. (2014). Vygotsky meets technology: A reinvention of collaboration in the early childhood mathematics classroom.
Early Childhood Education Journal, 42
(1), 57-65.
Clark, A. (2019). Sort it out: Data and statistics in the early years.
Prime Number, 34
(2), 20-22.
ClassDojo (2016, January 19).
Growth mindset for students - Episode 1: A secret about the brain
[Video]. YouTube.
Cohrssen, C. (2018, June 6). Assessing children’s understanding during play-based maths activities.
The Spoke: Early childhood Australia’s blog.
Cohrssen, C., Church, A., & Tayler, C. (2016). Play-based mathematics activities as a resource for changing educator attitudes and practice.
SAGE Open, 6
(2), 1-14
Cohrssen, C., Church, A., & Tayler, C. (2014). Pausing for learning: Responsive engagement in mathematics activities in early childhood settings.
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 39
(4), 95-102.
Cohrssen, C., de Quadros-Wander, N., Page, J., & Klarin, S. (2017). Between the big trees: A project-based approach to investigating shape and spatial thinking in a kindergarten program.
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 42
(1), 94-104.
Colliver, Y. (2018). Fostering young children's interest in numeracy through demonstration of its value: The Footsteps Study.
Mathematics Education Research Journal, 30
(4), 407-428.
Dağlı, Ü. Y., & Halat, E. (2016). Young children's conceptual understanding of triangle.
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 12
(2), 189-202.
Education and Training. (2022, July 11).
Mathematics teaching resources
. Victorian Government
Education and Training. (2022, January 25).
Numeracy for all learners.
Victorian Government.
Education and Training. (n.d.).
Mathematics: Early years maths resources
. Fuse.
Education Review Office. (2016, February).
Early mathematics: A guide for improving teaching and learning
. New Zealand Government.
Ferguson, S. (2017). Make me a pattern.
Prime Number, 32
(2), 17-19.
Highfield, K. (2019, August 23). Tips for parents of young children using digital technology.
The Spoke: Early Childhood Australia’s blog.
Kamii, C. (2014). The importance of thinking: Direct versus indirect teaching of number concepts for ages 4 to 6.
YC: Young Children, 69
(5), 72-77.
Kermani, H., & Aldemir, J. (2015). Preparing children for success: Integrating science, math, and technology in early childhood classroom.
Early Child Development and Care, 185
(9), 1504-1527.
Kettle, B., & Ross, E. (2018). Strategies for engaging curious young minds in mathematics.
Educating Young Children: Learning & Teaching in the Early Childhood Years, 24
(1), 33-34.
Knaus, M. (2017). Supporting early mathematics learning in early childhood settings.
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 42
(3) 4-13.
Livy, S., Bobis, J., Downton, A., Hughes, S., McCormick, M., Russo, J., & Sullivan, P. (2019). Exploring spatial reasoning in the early years: Effective pedagogical approaches.
Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 24
(2), 26-32.
Lowrie, T. & Larkin, K. (2020) Experience, represent, apply (ERA): A heuristic for digital engagement in the early years.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 51
(1), 131-147.
MacDonald, A. (2013). Young children's ideas about measurement: What does a kindergarten student consider 'measuring' to be?
Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 18
(1), 3-7.
Maiolo, A. (Host). (2016, August 31). Kate Highfield says we need to engage children in STEM early [Audio podcast episode]. In
Gowrie NSW Podcast Show
. Gowrie NSW.
Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care. (n.d.).
Engaging children in math: Integrate math into daily activities.
Resources for Early Learning.
Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care. (n.d.).
Engaging children in math: Self-Assessment.
Resources for Early Learning.
McDonough, A., Cheeseman, J., & Ferguson, S. (2013). Young children's emerging understandings of the measurement of mass.
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 38
(4), 13-20.
Mensa for Kids. (n.d.).
Probably probability.
Meracis, M. (2015). Kidztek: Full STEAM ahead in the early years classroom.
The Journal of Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria, 2
(1) 41-43.
Milford, T., & Tippett, C. (2015). The design and validation of an early childhood STEM classroom observational protocol.
International Research in Early Childhood Education, 6
(1) 24-37.
Ministry of Education. (n.d.).
Enabling e-Learning: Teaching.
National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2010).
Early childhood mathematics: Promoting good beginnings.
NRICH. (n.d.).
Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage homepage
nzmaths. (n.d.).
Number: Early learning progression
. New Zealand Ministry of Education.
nzmaths. (n.d.).
Supporting rich mathematical interactions in ECE
. New Zealand Ministry of Education.
Platas, L. M. (2018, March 14).
Measuring Up! Measurement in the preschool classroom
. Development and Research in Early Math Education.
Pollitt, R., Seah, W. T., & Cohrssen, C. (2017). Spatial reasoning and mathematics in early childhood education.
Every Child, 23
(3), 18-19.
The Project Approach. (n.d.).
Engaging children's minds: Building on natural curiosity to engage, problem-solve, and connect.
Reid, K. (2016). Counting on it: Early numeracy development and the preschool child.
Changing minds: Discussions in neuroscience, psychology and education,
(2). Australian Council for Educational Research.
Reid, K., & Andrews, N. (2016).
Fostering understanding of early numeracy development
. Australian Council for Educational Research.
Simoncini, K., & Lasen, M. (2018). Ideas about STEM among Australian early childhood professionals: How important is STEM in early childhood education?
International Journal of Early Childhood, 50
(3) 353-369.
The Smith Family. (2015).
Strengthening early numeracy learning: The Let's Count program
Taylor, P. C. (2016, August 9).
Why is a STEAM curriculum perspective crucial to the 21st century?
[Paper presentation]. Improving STEM Learning: What will it take?
Trautner, T. (2019, January 2).
Learning to measure with infants and toddlers is important for future math learning
. MSU Extension Early Childhood Development.
Year 2 Readings
ECCDD204A Multi-Literacy Learning >>