Useful information can be found on the web but you need to be selective about what you read and use for study purposes. Websites highlighted on this page relate to your area of study saving you time searching through irrelevant websites. You will also find government and other peak body websites listed here.
Evaluate the information carefully for its quality and credibility by using How to evaluate a website followed by How to reference a website for referencing support.
You can set up Google Scholar so that it shows the full text articles available in TAFE NSW subscription eJournal databases. A current TAFE NSW username and password is required to access these articles.
Click the three-line menu icon in the top left-hand corner of the page. Click the settings icon Select Library links. Search for TAFE NSW and select TAFE NSW Libraries. Make sure TAFE NSW Libraries is ticked and click the Save button. You have to repeat this for every device you are using and cookies must be turned on to retain the settings.