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Researching and Referencing: Evaluating Resources

This guide provides support to staff and students on research skills, referencing, study and writing skills and digital literacy

Evaluating Websites - the C.R.A.P. Test

Evaluate everything you find on the internet!

Click on the headings below for more information.





Another Option - CAPOW

Evaluating your search results

Not all sources of information are appropriate to use in your assessments. Some of the information you find online may be unreliable.

Use the CAPOW method to evaluate your search results before you decide to use a piece of information:

CAPOW Criteria

Questions to ask...


When was the information published or last updated?


Who wrote the information?

Does the author have the experience or qualifications to write about this topic with authority?

Is the information published by a reliable source (e.g. a government department, well known organisation, educational institution etc.)?


What is the purpose of the information (e.g. to educate, inform, sell something etc.)? 


Does the author push one point of view?

Does the author tell you where they got their information from (e.g. include a reference list)?

Does the website include ads? If yes, the website may be biased.

Writing Style

Are there any spelling or grammatical errors?