Plagiarism occurs when a person uses another person's ideas, writing or work and does not acknowledge the original source.
To pretend that another person's work is your own is unethical and dishonest.
Students are expected to acknowledge the work of others, most often by using in-text citations and a list of sources used in all written assessment tasks.
Issues of plagiarism and copyright by both students and staff are specifically referred to in the departments Use of TAFE NSW Internet and intranet services policy.
Please contact your teacher for specific requirements in particular for which type of referencing they expect.
Find out more about plagiarism and how to avoid it:
Reference all your work
Moral rights mean creators (individuals) have the right:
The creator of a work, who holds moral rights, is not necessarily the owner of copyright in the work
Find TAFE approved referencing guidelines for APA and Harvard on our Research and Referencing guide
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