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Wildlife and Exhibited Animal Care: eResources

About eResources

eResources include eBooks, online videos and newspaper, magazine and journal articles from databases which you can read online. To access use your TAFE NSW username and password.

For additional information and study support check out these links:

Suggested eResources


Log in to PressReader and search for the titles above. You can download them to the PressReader app on your device/s and they will stay there until you delete them.

Suggested eJournals

Zoo Aquarium Association (ZAA)

Selected animal studies courses only. Please contact your teacher for access to ZAA services.

Husbandry Guidelines

These guidelines were written by TAFE NSW students and include:

Fish and Invertebrates

Additional guidelines can be found at the website of the Australasian Society of Zoo Keeping (ASZK)

Films on Demand eVideos