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Wi-Fi Support: Help and FAQ



  • Open up your browser eg: Safari/Chrome/Internet Explorer/Firefox.
  • Type a website eg: into the address bar.
  • Tap Go, Search, or Enter.
  • If the website page displays properly, then you are connected.


  • If you can connect to the Wi-Fi, your account and password are OK.
  • Check your DNS and/or IP settings.

You can check these settings:

  • Using the instruction tabs for your device's system at the top of this page.
  • If your device looks different to the instructions provided, by doing a web search on how to check the IP and DNS settings for your device's particular make and model.


  • Try turning the Wi-Fi on and off, to re-initialise the Wi-Fi.
  • If you changed your TAFE NSW password recently, you may need to set your device to forget the TAFENSW network and reconnect from scratch. Instructions to Forget this Network are available on the appropriate system tab at the top of this page.
  • Please note that there may be a delay of up to one hour before your new password syncs across all TAFE NSW applications.


If you can see the Wi-Fi symbol on your device for the TAFE NSW Wi-Fi network, your account is OK.

If the Wi-Fi symbol doesn't appear, check that your username is in the correct format.

for students or

for staff

If you are still using your initial enrolment password, it may have expired.

Test whether you have an incorrect, outdated or expired TAFE NSW username and password by logging onto a TAFE PC or Mac on campus.

  • If you are able to log on successfully then there is no issue with your username and password. Check out our other troubleshooting tips on this page.
  • If you are unable to log on successfully, please see Student Administration Office staff for assistance with your username and password.
  • Library staff in some locations may be able to reset your password, which could solve the issue.
  • Please note that there may be a delay of up to one hour before your new password syncs across all TAFE NSW applications.


  • If you do not know or have forgotten your password, you can reset it by following the instructions in the Student self-service: Password reset guide. Remember, this only works in a browser like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, not on a login screen on a TAFE Library or classroom device.
  • Alternatively, contact your local campus Student Administration Office or call 131 601.
  • Library staff may also be able to reset your password. After asking you a number of security questions, they can give you a temporary password that you need to reset as soon as possible.


Library staff can help you check that you have followed the instructions, however your device's type, age and settings may mean that it is not possible to connect your device to the TAFE NSW network.
Consider using:

  • a PC or Mac in the Library
  • a library laptop - if one is available for loan
  • another one of your devices
  • your connected mobile as a hotspot, to continue working on your laptop (using your mobile data)

If you are a CHEC student, you may need to change your proxy settings manually. Please contact library staff for assistance.


  • Try turning the Wi-Fi on and off, to re-initialise the Wi-Fi.
  • If you changed your TAFE NSW password, and the Wi-Fi connection was working for you previously but has now stopped, you may need to set your device to forget the TAFENSW network and reconnect from scratch.
  • Instructions to Forget this Network are available on the appropriate system tab at the top of this page.


The TAFE NSW Wi-Fi is part of a large corporate network that has a high security profile to protect its users.


Mobiles and most tablets: Try the Android instructions.

Laptops: Try the Windows instructions.

Note: some common types of mobiles using the Android operating system include Samsung, HTC, Motorola, LG, Google, Nokia or Sony devices.


  • Some social media chat apps are blocked by the TAFE NSW Wi-Fi network.
  • Try using your browser rather than the app.


TAFE NSW provides a secure Wi-Fi service to its students and staff for access to TAFE NSW online services. Whilst all effort is made to ensure functional Wi-Fi settings and instructions are available, it is the end-users responsibility to configure their device correctly and ensure device compatibility with the TAFE NSW Wi-Fi.

Quick Checklist


If the Wi-Fi stops working, an expired password may be the cause. TAFE NSW passwords will expire every 180 days for students and every 90 days for staff.

  • Log onto any TAFE NSW computer or the Student Hub with your old password to update your credentials.
  • Once you change your password, it's important to update it on ALL the devices you use to access TAFE NSW services, like Wi-Fi, email, or Microsoft 365. Your devices can be your phone, tablet, iPad, or laptop.
  • Please note that there may be a delay of up to one hour before your new password syncs across all TAFE NSW applications.
  • For Wi-Fi connections, “Forget" the connection and reconnect.
  • Instructions to Forget this Network are available on the appropriate system tab at the top of this page.


Your old software version may prevent you from connecting to the TAFE NSW network. Use a personal network (eg your home or mobile data) to install software updates to your device.


You may not have the required security certificates installed on your device to be able to connect. Next time you're connected to the internet, browse to a site with a https address eg: TAFE NSW ( This will automatically update your device with the required certificates. Make sure you browse to the https version of the site.


This connection is currently supported by the TAFE NSW network. At this point in time, the majority of the TAFE NSW wireless network is not enabled for WAP-3 Enterprise.


An incorrect date and time may affect your access to the TAFE NSW network. Check if the date and time on your device is displaying correctly.

Handy Hints

  • Versions - some instructions are dependent on which operating system or browser version you have on your device. Search the Internet to find specific instructions (e.g. enter the search terms "Forget the network" and "Windows 8.1") 
  • Email format - if the Wi-Fi symbol for the TAFE NSW Wi-Fi network doesn't appear, you may be using the wrong email format. Use these: for students for staff

Further Help

Library staff can help you follow the instructions on this guide when you are on campus.

Further technical help may be available via the Student Technology Service desk. Call 131 601 and follow the prompts.

Students who may be deaf or hard of hearing, can seek assistance through the National Relay Service or may lodge a request online through the Get Technology Help Form