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Technology for Learning: Software L-Z

Microsoft 365 - Free for TAFE NSW Students

Office 365



TAFE NSW students have free access to Microsoft 365 which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, OneDrive (Includes 50 GB of storage) and Teams for your desktop or mobile devices including Android, iPad, and Windows tablets. Other apps are Calendar, People, Tasks, To-Do and Whiteboard. The software is available to you for the duration of your course. To get started students go to:

You can use Microsoft 365 online or download the software and install it on your computer. The desktop version will take 9 GB of space on a computer.

For more detailed instructions click the link below.

See also

Suggested Microsoft 365 Resources

read&write for TAFE NSW

read&write is a software program that provides reading, comprehension, writing and study skills support across multiple operating systems, web browsers and document formats (including Microsoft Office 365, Google files and PDFs). read&write is available on all educational computers in TAFE NSW and is available for download on personal computers. 

If you wish to install the software on your own device, use the appropriate instructions. Remember when searching for the software on Google Play and the Apple store, that read&write is one word.

Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Windows and Mac

Virtual Student Desktop

This service is available to students that require specific software to complete their course. Access to the TAFE Student Desktop is provided to all current TAFE NSW students. The TAFE Student Desktop can be accessed via a modern internet browser (including Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Safari) on Windows and macOS devices, or by installing the Microsoft Remote Desktop application.

Teachers must submit a ServiceNow request on behalf of eligible students if they require access to the TAFE Medical Director Virtual Desktop to complete their course.

Available software via the Virtual Desktop:

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
  • ATO Record Keeping
  • Audacity
  • Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft OneDrive
  • Microsoft Project Professional 2024
  • Microsoft Visio Professional 2024
  • Notepad++
  • Typequick and TypequickSkillEvaluator

You also have access to VLC Media Player, 7-Zip and ReadAndWriteGold.