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Aboriginal Education: Web Resources

About Web Resources

Useful information can be found on the web but you need to be selective about what you read and use for study purposes. Websites highlighted on this page relate to your area of study saving you time searching through irrelevant websites. You will also find government and other peak body websites listed here.

Evaluate the information carefully for its quality and credibility by using Research Help for referencing support.

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Aboriginal Flag



The Aboriginal flag was designed by Harold Thomas, a Luritja man from Central Australia. It was created as a symbol of unity and national identity for Aboriginal people during the land rights movement of the early 1970s.

The symbolic meaning of the flag colours (as stated by Mr Harold Thomas) are:

  • Black: Represents the Aboriginal people of Australia
  • Red: Represents the red earth, the red ochre and a spiritual relation to the land
  • Yellow: Represents the Sun, the giver of life and protector

Torres Strait Islander Flag

 Torres Strait Islander Flag

The Torres Strait Islander flag was created as a symbol of unity and identity for Torres Strait Islander peoples, designed by the late Bernard Namok from Thursday Island.


Each part of the flag is designed to represent something about Torres Strait Island

  • Green: Represents the land
  • Blue: Represents the sea
  • White: Represents peace
  • Black: Represents the Indigenous peoples

Suggested Websites - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander News