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Specialist Make-Up: Make-Up

Suggested Books and eBooks

Makeup artistry for film and television (2021) - Book
A Complete Guide to Special Effects Makeup 3 (2020) - Book
Foundations of Stage Makeup (2019) - Book
Makeup and styling in TV and film (2019) - Book
Prosthetic make-up artistry for film and television (2019) - eBook
Color theory for the makeup artist : understanding color and light for beauty and special effects (2018) - eBook
Special makeup effects for stage and screen (2018) - eBook
A complete guide to special effects makeup. 2, Introduction to dark fantasy and zombie makeups (2018) - Book
Make-Up, hair and costume for film and television (2016) - Book
The hair and make-up artist's handbook : a complete guide for professional qualifications (2011) - eBook

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