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For more information about searching read the articles below:
For information about the different ways you can find eBooks watch this video:
Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT can be used to expand or limit your search. For example:
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For further information about Boolean operators read the article below:
To read a book online, click on PDF Full Text or EPUB Full Text, alternatively you can scroll down to the Table of contents to select a particular chapter.
Find out how to navigate the book in the article below:
The book details page provides information about the book and how it can be accessed. You can see the Availability of the book including number of copies held. You can also see how many pages you can print, email, copy and paste.
When accessing or downloading EBSCO eBooks, you may see the choice to select eBooks in either PDF or EPUB format. EPUB is recommended for reading in the app on mobile devices. Some books are not available in PDF.
If you try to access an eBook and get the following message “Sorry, this eBook is in use.” All copies of the book are in use and you will need to try to access it at another time.
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For further information about accessibility read the article below.