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EBSCO eBooks Support: Teaching with EBSCO eBooks

Use EBSCO eBooks in Your Learning Management System (LMS)

Benefits of using EBSCO eBooks in your LMS

  • The collection contains eBooks in a wide range of subject areas.
  • Link to individual titles and pages - Important: follow the deeplinking instructions provided.
  • Create an RSS Feed to stay up to date with new content.
  • Teachers can create and share booklists.

Please note:

  • Some titles only have limited licences, e.g. 3 user licences. No more than 3 copies can be viewed at the same time.
  • If you want to upload a PDF chapter or pages to the LMS, refer to copyright guidelines provided for teachers. A copyright label is required.



EBSCO eBooks is a TAFE NSW subscription database for the use of current students and staff only.

If content is downloaded from EBSCO eBooks, it is to be used for internal educational purposes only and with regard to copying limits and labeling requirements. Content may not be shared or posted publicly online.

Links to EBSCO eBooks are available to TAFE NSW students and staff only. People outside the organisation will not be able to access the content.

Deep Linking to EBSCO eBooks

EBSCO eBooks

You can link to eBook titles, chapters, and pages.

Click on the Share icon from the eBook, chapter or page record and then Create link.

Deep link example: