Welcome to the new look TAFEcat.
The new catalogue includes one-stop access to a larger range of resources plus improvements and new features that make searching the library's collection easier:
Click on Begin to let us know what you think about this resource. Or if it is help that you need, email or chat with a librarian or view our FAQs.
The new TAFEcat makes bookmarking and sharing item records and search results even easier. The URL at the top of each item details page or search results page is a permanent link to the record or the search results. These links can be used in emails, Moodle content or to create RSS feeds.
Wherever you see the RSS feed icon box at the top of your results, you can also right-click to access a range of sharing options, including a QR code generator.
Unlock the full potential of the new and improved TAFE NSW library catalogue to help you in your studies! Uncover insider tips and tricks on searching for resources related to your course. Discover how to search using a range of options such as physical or online resources, or by subject or author.
No sessions listed? More sessions will be running in the future