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LinkedIn Learning Support: Searching and Features

Searching, Browsing and Navigating


You can search for keywords e.g. Adobe Illustrator. Once at the search result page, you can limit your search using filters.


  • Language (English is set as default language. Other languages included are Spanish, Portuguese, simplified Chinese, French, Japanese and German)
  • Types (Courses, videos, audio, events and learning paths - choice depends on your search)
  • Content by (LinkedIn Learning or other providers)
  • Time to complete (<10 min to 3+ hours)
  • Level (Beginner, intermediate or advanced)
  • All filters (Which gives you an extended list of filters including Software and Subjects & Topics.)

Alternatively, you can click on Browse in the top bar on LinkedIn Learning to browse by categories: Business, Creative and Technology. You can then filter your selection using the filters provided.

The top bar also includes the navigation options:


  • Home - brings you back to the LinkedIn Learning homepage
  • My Learning - gives you access to any course which you have In progress or Saved and shows your Learning History (Completed courses including the Certificate of Completion). Also listed there are your Collections, content From Your Organization and Skills suggestions.
  • Me - is your profile icon where you can access all the above as well as Settings, the Help center, and the option to change the course language.
  • EN - allows you to change the system language to French, German, Japanese, Spanish, simplified Chinese or Portuguese.

For more information view the videos below:

Courses in Other Languages

If you want to find courses in another language, you need to search for keyword/s in that language to find relevant courses e.g. tecnológico. You can then limit your search by the appropriate language. Currently courses are available in Spanish, Portuguese, simplified Chinese, French, Japanese and German.

tecnológico in search field | Spanish highlighted | Type | Content By | Time to Complete | Level | Language: English | Spanish

Learning Paths

Learning paths are collections created by LinkedIn Learning to bring together courses covering a range of skills needed on a specific topic or career track. Note: Certificates of completion are only available for courses that you complete, and not for learning paths.

The video below shows you how to explore and use the learning paths.

To browse for learning paths, role guides or specific topic areas, select from the links below:

Exercise Files, Notebook and Transcripts

Exercise Files can be accessed via the Overview beneath the video screen. They are listed with other resources under the heading RELATED TO THIS COURSE. They are provided in zip folders which can be downloaded. Please note that this feature is only available for courses that come with exercise files.

The Notebook  which also appears below the video screen, allows you to add notes to a course while viewing it. The notes will be saved at the point of time in the video when you added it. They will stay there until you delete them.

The Transcript for each course is accessible next to the Notebook below the video screen.




View also the videos below:

Did You Know?

You can slow down or speed up the presentation without affecting the quality of the video! Click the 'X' button (Playback speed) on the bottom right hand side of the video when it is playing. Screenshot of player control - 1x circled - next to cc, settings, sound and full screen icon  Then select from the playback speed options provided in the pop-up window.

Creating and Sharing Collections

You can create your own Collections of LinkedIn Learning courses and videos to watch later or share with other TAFE NSW students or staff.

You can have just one Collection if you wish or, you can create multiple Collections and give them custom names relating to your research, learning or teaching. 

How to create a collection


At the search result list

When you find a course or video you want to add to a collection, look for the More dropdown menu and select Add to collection:


When you click the link, you can either:

  • Add the course or the video to a new collection by clicking the circled plus sign  in front of Create new collection  
    • add a title for the collection,
    • add a description (Optional) and
    • select Create.


  • Choose + Add to add a course or video to a Collection you have created previously.

Please note: If you want the courses/videos in a certain order, you need to add them to the collection in that order. 

How to share a collection

Once in your Collections page, click Share to create a link. Collections can be shared with LinkedIn users, TAFE NSW students and staff or limited to be visible only to you. The link provided can be copied and shared with the audience you have selected e.g. TAFE NSW links can be shared with your class.

Screenshot of collections features with Share circled next to More option


To view your collections

To view your collections, click your profile icon Me in the top bar and then select Collections from drop down menu. 

View also the following video:

Sharing Course Links

You can share a quick course link with other TAFE NSW students and staff. Click the share icon above the video and then click on Link. Please note that these quick share links require a current TAFE NSW email + username and password to log in. 

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Content creators: If you wish to use course links to LinkedIn Learning content in your Moodle/Sakai course or in a Libguide, use the linking instructions for creating authenticated SSO links. Authenticated SSO links with the authentication prefix will link directly to to the course after logging in with the TAFE NSW username and password. 

Certificates of Completion

When you complete a LinkedIn Learning course, you will automatically get a personalised Certificate of completion.

These certificates can be downloaded from the:

  • Course page of the completed course via the More dropdown menu.
  • Learning history - available from the Me drop down menu or My Learning in the top bar 
  • At the Learning history, the Certificate of Completion is available from the More dropdown menu at each completed course.

The Learning history contains a complete list of your completed courses including certificates.

Please note that unless you have a personal LinkedIn learning account as well as your TAFE NSW account, you won't be able to access your certificates once you leave TAFE NSW.

For more information view the following video: