Issues with your account
Technical issues
Navigation issues
Access to VSI is set up using referring URL via the TAFE NSW Library Catalogue.
Technical and account issues
You will need to click on the Profile icon on the top right corner to confirm that you are logged into the TAFE NSW’s subscription.
If you have logged in with your TAFE NSW username and password, it will show that you have signed in as TAFE NSW.
If you have not logged in properly or your current session has expired, you will see various Sign In options when clicking the Profile icon.
Please note: These login methods cannot be used by TAFE NSW students and staff.
In order to sign back into TAFE NSW’s subscription, close all browser windows (including this browser), then reopen the browser and log back into VSI via the A-Z page.
Do I need to create a personal profile in Oxford Academic?
You can access Oxford Academic and browse VSI without a personal profile. You only need it if you would like to get email alerts and save searches.
By registering a profile you agree that Oxford University Press can process your personal data for purposes of managing it.
Can I download a whole book from VSI?
No, you can only view them online.
Can I find VSI publications through the library catalogue?
Only selected VSI books are available via the TAFE NSW Library Catalogue.
How much material can I print or save an from VSI publication?
You are restricted by Copyright to the amount of information that you can print or download. It is very important that you read the Legal notice, before printing or downloading anything from VSI or Oxford Academic.
I do not know or I have forgotten my TAFE NSW password