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Safe Handling During Farriery or Hoof Care
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Farriery: Safe Handling During Farriery or Hoof Care
Web Resources
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Trim Equine Hooves
Safe Handling During Farriery or Hoof Care
Welding Tasks and Techniques
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Suggested Books
Equine safety (1998)
Steve Mackenzie
Equitation safety : everything about your safety in connection with horses (2015)
Jane Ladewig
Horse safe (2005) - eBook and book
Suggested Websites - Handling and Safety
Equisearch - Handling hooves safely
Equus - The fundamentals of farriery manners
Horse and hound - Help! My horse is difficult with the farrier : what should I do?
Horse safety Australia
Horse safety Australia - Regulations
NSW Government - SafeWork
NSW Government - Code of practice - Managing risks when new or inexperienced riders or handlers interact with horses in the workplace
OSU extension - Training horses safely
SafeWork Australia
VOCEDplus - Occupational health, safety and welfare for farriers
Suggested Web Resources - Zoonosis and Biosecurity
Agriculture Victoria - Hendra virus
Equine biosecurity - Hendra Virus (2013)
Horse venue biosecurity workbook
NSW DPI - Horse owners : Biosecurity is good for horse health
NSW DPI - Notifiable pests and diseases of animals in NSW
NSW DPI - Zoonoses - Animal diseases that can infect people
WSAVA - Pets as reservoirs for zoonotic disease : what should we advise our clients?
Featured Videos
Horseshoeing School - Fred Zweifel talks about horseshoeing safety tips (2013)
YouTube video by Shoe-Tru, 16 min.
Horseshoeing school - Fred Zweifel shows how to tie up a horses leg when the horse just wont cooperate (2013)
Working safely with horses (2018)
Suggested DVDs
Stable skills (1996)
Resources by Subject Area
Choose a subject from the list below to find relevant books, eBooks and other online resources.
Horses - Behaviour
Horses - Handling
Horses - Safety measures
Horses -- Transportation
Industrial safety
Risk management
Veterinary medicine - Safety measures
Trim Equine Hooves
Welding Tasks and Techniques >>