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WGSN Support: Help and FAQs

Support for Students

Support for students on campus

Issues with your account

  • If you cannot log into WGSN and other TAFE NSW sites like the TAFE NSW Student Hub, visit the Student Administration Office at your local campus to get help with your account. Please note that only current TAFE NSW students and staff have access to WGSN.

Technical issues

  • Library staff on campus may also be able to assist, but please note we cannot troubleshoot and support all devices. You are welcome to access WGSN via computers on campus.

Navigation issues

  • See the Features tab. Library staff on campus are also happy to help you use WGSN.
Support for TAFE NSW Digital students
  • For help with accounts, please contact your teacher, visit the Student Administration Office at your local campus or call 131 601.


Student Technology Help Desk
  • TAFE NSW students can call the Student Technology Service Desk on 131 601 and follow the prompts for help to connect to WGSN on your own device.



You do not need to create WGSN account. When you log in with a current TAFE NSW username and password, the WGSN account will be created automatically.


  • You can access all your folders in Spaces. From there you can print, email and download images from your folders.


  • You can have an unlimited number of folders and sub folders.


  • No, you will be able to access your folders as long as you are a current student and your account is active.


  • No, TAFE NSW does not subscribe to the Barometer, Consumer Tech and Advisory products.


  • If you do not know or have forgotten your password, you can reset it by following the instructions in the Student self-service: Password reset guide. Remember, this only works in a browser like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, not on a login screen on a TAFE Library or classroom device.
  • Alternatively, contact your local campus Student Administration Office or call 131 601.
  • Library staff may also be able to reset your password. After asking you a number of security questions, they can give you a temporary password that you need to reset as soon as possible.


  • You can share your WGSN folders with anyone with a TAFE NSW WGSN account.


  • Content from WGSN is to be used for internal educational purposes and may not be shared or posted publicly online.

Support for Staff

Access to WGSN is set up using Single Sign On (SSO).

Technical and account issues:

  • For TAFE NSW account issues, log a ServiceNow call (staff only). Advise support staff that access to WGSN is provided using Single Sign On (SSO).
  • Local campus libraries can also help with navigation and minor technical issues.


  • Library staff are available to run training sessions for staff and students.

Using Your Email to Get to the TAFE NSW Sign In Page

If your current WGSN session has expired or you access a WGSN link via the web, you will see the following Subscriber Log In option. Enter your TAFE NSW email address e.g. and then click Continue.

Subscriber Log In | email/username | continue

This will take you to the TAFE NSW sign in page. Enter your TAFE NSW username e.g. joan.smith23 and password to access the WGSN content.

Sign in with your TAFE NSW account | User ID: joan.smith23 | Password: ...... | Log In