Term hours Closed on weekends and public holidays Vacation hours To be advised |
Phone 02 7920 8903 |
Location External return chute available when building is open
Book a student group study room Students can book a study room up to 2 weeks in advance for up to 3 hours per day For Staff bookings please contact the library |
Term hours Lunch breaks subject to change please check with library if access is urgent. Vacation hours To be advised |
Phone 02 7920 8908 |
Location Leave items at Customer Service Centre (Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm) when Library is closed |
Term hours Lunch breaks subject to change Closed Monday 14th October to Wednesday 30th October Please see Customer Service for access to computers and laptops Vacation hours To be advised
02 7920 8914 |
Location External return chute available 24/7 |
Term hours Supporting Bourke, Brewarrina, Coonamble, Gilgandra, Nyngan, Warren and Wellington.
Vacation hours To be advised |
Phone 02 7920 8976 |
Location External return chute available 24/7 Postal address |
Book a student group study room Students can book a study room up to 2 weeks in advance for up to 3 hours per day For Staff bookings please contact the library |
Term hours
Please contact Parkes Library. Supporting Condobolin
Vacation hours To be advised
Phone 02 7920 8917 |
Location |
Term hours Closed on weekends and public holidays Vacation hours To be advised
Phone 02 7920 8934 |
Location External return chute available 24/7 Postal address |
Term hours Vacation hours To be advised |
Phone 02 7920 8944 |
Location Please leave items at Customer Service Centre (Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4:30pm) if library is closed Postal address |
Term hours Supporting Grenfell CLC Vacation hours To be advised |
Phone 02 7921 0082 |
Location Postal address |
Book a student group study room Students can book a study room up to 2 weeks in advance for up to 3 hours per day For Staff bookings please contact the library |
Term hours
Supporting Condobolin Librarian available 8.30 am to 4.00 pm on Monday 3 March, Monday 10 March and Monday 24th March Vacation hours To be advised |
Phone 02 7920 8951 |
Location |
Term hours Vacation hours To be advised |
Phone 02 7920 8974 |
Location Postal address |